"What Is the Bible?"
A TerraNova University Seminar
Thanks so much for attending TerraNova University’s “What Is the Bible?” Seminar!
We hope you found our time together helpful, informative, and maybe even a bit challenging :)
Below, you’ll find links that will take you to videos of each of the seminar sessions.
Note: due to some technical difficulties, we are still working on getting the upload of Session 1 on YouTube.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let us know!
Session 1: “The Story of the Bible”
We all know the story of how we got our first Bibles, but how did the world first get the Bible? And what is the Bible?
[ Unfortunately, the video recording of the 1st session on Friday night got damaged and ended up being unreadable. We’re so sorry about that! We’ve posted the slide deck from that session as a video file that you can scroll through, so at least you can review the points and fill-ins. But there is no video or audio of the session.
We’re planning on repeating the seminar (and recording it!) again toward the end of the summer. ]
Session 2: “The Scrolls of the Hebrew Scriptures”
What are the “books” of the Hebrew Scriptures, and what are they all about? The storyline of the Hebrew Scriptures, and how the individual scrolls of what we often call “the Old Testament” map over that storyline.
Session 3: “The Scrolls of the NEW Testament”
What are the books of the New Testament, and what are they all about? The storyline of the New Testament, and how the individual documents of the New Testament map over that storyline.