There is an unexpected understated underrated superpower.
One that every human being has been endowed with and created for.
Our ability to choose our response in any situation. To take response-ability for our lives.
It's a power than enables us to face and even transform our most difficult challenges.
Those who discover this great power become heroes among us. Where others walk away, turn away, these exceptional individuals step up and stand in. You call them friend, co-worker, neighbor, relative.
We call them, "The Responsibles."
Join us at TerraNova this January and February (Saturdays at 5pm, Sundays at 9:30 and 11am) for a 3-part series designed to help you start this new year off strong and spiritually healthy: The Responsibles.
Kids + youth classes are available as well: infants – preschool on Saturdays @ 5; infants – 6th grade on Sundays @ 9:30; infants – High School @ 11am.
Or, you can join us online during all our normal service times Live on our YouTube channel, and On Demand beginning Sunday afternoon on our YouTube channel. In fact, if you’ve missed any of the series, you can check it all out there.
For more info about location, service times, and kids classes, click here.
For messages in this series, or to check out past messages and message series here.