TerraNova’s Strategic Anchors
The every-day, on-the-ground, decision-making filter.
“Who are we called to be and how will we succeed?”
1) Making people feel like family. The way we love people, respond and follow-up with people, notice people, remember people, and treat people — all people! — is one of our most important differentiators, and of course makes us more like Jesus!
2) Doing a lot with a little. Stewarding God's money really well by keeping our operating / administrative costs ridiculously low and stretching dollars to make a huge difference. We’d always rather be “penny-pinchers” with operating expenses so we can be ultra-generous with loving people.
3) Being accessible to the uninitiated and unconvinced. We want to be like Jesus in the way that he connected with and made sense to people who felt and seemed irreligious and very far from God. We are constantly on-guard with anything "religious" (language, rules, etc.) that might get in the way of people connecting with God.
4) Making God's Love famous in South County and around the globe. With #1, this is one of our two most important differentiators. Does this make God's love famous? How can we make God's love famous in this situation? Unlike Anchor #2, it is here that we like to be generous, even extravagant. (In fact, you might say that being penny-pinchers with operating expenses frees us to be generous in loving people.) How can we continue to push the envelope in this regard, both in wowing our own people (Anchor #1), and in blessing God's world around us (in our backyard and around the world)?