Becoming a Member at TerraNova

At TerraNova, we truly believe that "church" isn't something you "go to." Church is who we are.

It's about being a community of people who are on a mission from God to make His love famous in our world. It means belonging together — loving and being loved, serving and being served, knowing and being known.

And that's one of the reasons we value the idea of "membership." Becoming a member says, "I'm buying into that vision. I will be a part of that family."

It’s directly linked to one of the most common metaphors that the early Christians used for “church” — that as a community, we together become like the “body” of Jesus himself — the collective, physical expression of Jesus in our world.

Our path toward membership is a lunch we do every few months called "TerraNova Tours."

Contrary to a common misconception, TerraNova Tours is not a physical tour of our building. (That doesn’t sound fun at all!) It’s a casual, discussion-oriented journey through the history, vision, and values of TerraNova that takes place around a (free) lunch after the 11am service at TerraNova.

To find out more about what TerraNova Tours is, and to sign up for the next “tour,” click here.