In 2021, as a part of TerraNova’s “Be Rich” campaign (where our community committed to a season of extraordinary generosity to fund acts of compassion around the world), we raised money to purchase 550 wheelchairs for Egypt through an organization that TerraNova has supported for years.

This November, TerraNova is sending a team who will get to be a part of seeing these wheelchairs distributed in two different cities. The team will get to witness the amazing work that God is doing in the country of Egypt, and learn from the team that is active on the ground.

Dates: November 19-26
Cost: $2,000
(this includes flights, in-country transportation, housing, food, etc.)


Partner with the Team in Prayer

Our team would greatly appreciate your prayer as we prepare and when we go. Here are a few specific things you can be praying for:

  • the work that God is doing to bring restoration and wholeness in Egypt

  • opportunities to learn from the Egyptian people

  • openness to conversations

  • sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading

Partner with the Team Financially

If you would like to participate in making this trip possible by giving financially to the whole team or a specific individual, you can do that right here! Just click the link to give bellow. Please make sure to designate to whom you are giving in “additional information” on the payment form.